It’s been a while…

I’m really sorry but life kept me busy so here is a recap. My life is going well except that my grades are not doing so well but I’m probably going to change school next year so who cares! About my social life: I am now on level 5 (which means I’m pretty cool). I’m best friends with the queen of my school (the girl who knows everything about everyone) and she tells me all her secrets. Even things she doesn’t talk about with her first BFF. It’s a great honor and would’ve never thought that those popular girls I never talk to (side note: now I do talk to them) are so nice and sweet. I mean they are really supportive and never stab you in the back like my friends sometimes tend to. The world of the popular people is so much better. It’s more fun, more friendly and not all about trying to be better then the others. It’s a lie that losers say about them, because they can’t handle the fact that the popular people are popular for multiple reasons and the losers are also losers for multiple reasons. I mean my non-popular friends are constantly trying to bring me down and we talk about how horrible our lives are but when I’m unhappy in front of my popular  friends they cheer me up, they make me smile and make me feel happy. They keep it real. I never thought of the popular girls as actual people who make mistakes… I always thought their main goal in life was attention. I was so wrong. These people are great and I love them so much. Especially my best Friend (I’m gonna call her Lexi on this blog). I’m so happy and grateful for everything that’s happening. My life is great and I love writing about it when I have no one to talk to for a second.


Song(s) of the month:

War of hearts – by Ruelle

Monsters – by Ruelle

We don’t have to dance – Andy Black

Oh My My – Ruelle (Ruelle is awesome btw)

How you like me now? – The heavy (and some other people)


Hello folks… Thought I gave up blogging?

No I didn’t. I just stopped for a lil‘ while to focus on my grades which worked since I got to push my grades up. But my mom is still super annoying. And then she buys me stuff so she can say that I’m not grateful enough. I am. But just because she buys me clothes doesn’t make everything else less of a problem or at least a reason to talk. She avoids admitting that she makes mistakes sometimes. And she is strict. Even more strict then she was with my brother.


Song of the day: No Way by Mariama

Hello from the other side… I must’ve been offline longer than necessary

I guess I made some mistakes in the past. And that didn’t change. I’m pretty sure that life sucks and stuff but hey… It’ll be fine. JUST KIDDING! My mom took my phone and my computer (I still get to use the computer though) after a teacher complained because I „wasn’t calm enough“. Literally… So I guess I won’t be blogging again in the next few weeks. I hate it and I wish it wasn’t that way. I’ll just work a little harder and my mom will trust me again. And for everyone asking: My dad is not dead he just doesn’t care! 🙂

Song(s) of the day:

99 Revolutions by Green Day

Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang

21 Guns by Green Day

Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey

Stitches by Shawn Mendes

I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! at the Disco

Crave You (Adventure Club Remix) by Flight Facilities


It’s a lot I know 🙂 Bye y’all! ❤

It’s been a long MONTH!!! Without you my friend… Oh I’ll tell you all about it when I have Internet again

I’m pretty sure the title says it all but for those you didn’t get it, I had no internet in my room, Christmas was ok, New Year was yesterday and my mom is turning into a weird freak show. Seriously. She’s a freak. She invited up to 12 people and complains about not having any alone time… HOW ABOUT INVITING LESS THAN 12 PEOPLE WHO EAT YOUR FOOD AND BREATHE ALL THE AIR MEANT FOR YOU! Seriously. I can’t go anywhere without seeing one of those people! At least I’M getting a new haircut when we get home! This holiday sucks so bad, I don’t want to get started but since this is the only reason you’re reading this (If anyone is actually reading this) I’m going to break it down for you.

I planned on re-inventing  myself this year since old me has been an expert at making messes. I’m cleaning it all up now. (Well… Maybe not my room but you get the metaphor). I wanted a new haircut, less black clothing, more optimism, more ambition, realizing my dreams, behaving better and better grades. It sounds pretty hard now that I’ve wrote it down… Huh.

But then my family came in the way. My mom is just running around and being a real dictator, my dad just doesn’t care at all, and my brother is still in bed… It’s 3Pm. Just saying. How am I supposed to become a better person when I’m surrounded by bad tempered or just bad people. My family isn’t helping. My brother will leave us in 4 days to go to boarding school in England. That’s some good news. But everything else is just stopping the progress of becoming a better human and I need to fix it!


Song of the day: Love Yourself – Justin Bieber

A week without blogging

My life is kinda ruined. I made a few bad decisions that could have been avoided if I just read my horoscope. I’m serious. I had a magazine on my desk that was two weeks old saying that I should stay away from decisions. My life is really bad. First of all, i decided to be an asshole to my friends. Second of all, I thought it would be a good idea to be an asshole to EVERYONE. And (I can’t remember everything else I did except for: „Dancing like a slut at the school party“) lastly I decided to blog in school and some kid in my class saw it and tried to find my blog. Great. At least her hasn’t found it yet. But then again… He hasn’t found it YET.


Song of the day: (It’s not a song it’s a podcast) Dork Diaries

Just because it’s the story of my life! (Except for the clothes and the iPhone 😛 )

Another Day

I stopped caring and I stopped feeling guilty. It’s not my fault that he’s just too dumb to stay in school. He’ll go back eventually but still. It’s not ok. I don’t really have to say anything today. It’s a really boring school day.


Song of the day: Just a little bit – Kids of 88

My life is a mess

The title says it all. My life is a mess and just like my room, I should be cleaning it up but I just can’t. Why do I always have to clean up the mess that others make? My life used to have less complexity than a couch from IKEA (yes… I got that line from YouTube) and now, It’s like I’m living in a freaking math problem. And every math problem needs to be solved if we want to expand our minds. But instead I decided to watch the entire season 3 of awkward. I’m really the dumbest kid on the planet. Sometimes, I think that I got my life because I’m strong enough to live it. All the other people who have an easy life, are weak. They crack under pressure. But then again… I’m the one crying all night in my bed and hating myself for not being brave enough to run away. Sometimes I just want my one friend (One year younger and basically living my life) to pack her bags and run away with me. I want to have someone in my life that I can tell everything because I don’t know anything about them. I want someone new in my life that I can trust no matter what. Who hugs me, who loves me, who is always there for me. I’m not talking about a boyfriend. I’m talking about my parents.


Song of the day: Cobrastyle (feat. Mad Cobra) – The Teddybears.